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7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mood

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mood

Sometimes, life will feel like you’re on a rollercoaster of emotions. One day, you feel like everything looks so much brighter than usual, and everything is falling into place. On other days, you’ll feel gloomy and gray, where even the most minute tasks feel like a monumental challenge. If you have days like this, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to put a smile on your face, even on your worst days, or just want to brighten up your wardrobe with cute clothes so your day at least looks a little brighter, it’s time to shake off those blues. Let’s take a look at seven easy ways to improve your mood.

Source: Cookie Studio/

  1. Wear Bright Colors — Wearing bright colors, like colorful dresses, can brighten up not only your own mood but anyone else who sees you. You can instantly radiate positivity toward others when you’re wearing vibrant hues like red or yellow. Dressing in bright colors or wearing a printed top can boost your own spirit while spreading cheerfulness and vibrancy around you. Not to mention, it’s a form of self-expression, so you can convey your personality and mood in a visually delightful way.
  2. Engage in Physical Activity — Working out or even just going for a quick walk releases endorphins, your body’s natural mood elevators. Studies have shown that there is a 20% to 30% lower risk of depression for those who practice daily physical activity. Everyone can benefit from reducing stress and feeling happier through regular exercise. Working out in a social setting like team sports or group classes can foster social connections to further enhance your overall well-being. When engaging in physical activity, it helps to wear workout clothes that get you into the zone and feel good about your workout.

Source: Crisp0022/

  1. Declutter Your Space — Boost your mood with a tidy environment at home. When you’re in an overwhelming and chaotic environment or one that even looks that way, you’ll feel overwhelmed and chaotic. Promote a sense of control and calm by tidying up things around you. Decide what clutter you don’t need anymore and get rid of any unnecessary items at home. An organized and clean space is aesthetically pleasing as well, so you’ll feel more at ease at home with a streamlined space. Decluttering your space may also include doing a total wardrobe revamp. Donate clothes that no longer fit or spark joy for you, and only keep cute clothes you’ll enjoy wearing over and over again.
  2. Practice Mindfulness — Be more present in the mood by practicing mindfulness. Through meditation, you can let go of the worries of the future and the past and live in the now. Focus on your breath and current sensations in your body. Studies show that regular meditation can reduce stress, control anxiety, and promote emotional health, just to name a few of the benefits. Overall, you may find that you’ll be better able to manage negative emotions and react more positively to any challenges that come your way.
  3. Connect with a Friend — The National Council for Mental Wellbeing shares that friendships are vital for mental health. Social interactions with our friends release endorphins, which are our brain’s natural mood lifters. Great friends can provide emotional support and offer a safe space to share concerns and gain perspective on life’s challenges. Laughing and sharing experiences with friends offers an instant mood boost. We all need to feel like we belong, and building and nurturing friendships deepens bonds to contribute to long-term emotional wellness.

Source: Iryna Inshyna/

  1. Take a Nature Walk — Enjoy all the nature around you by going on a walk outdoors. Immerse yourself in a serene backdrop to promote relaxation and ease your stress. The exposure to natural sunlight will boost your mood and encourage mindfulness as you walk on a trail or stroll through the park. Take a few moments of every day to take in the beauty of your surroundings and disconnect from daily worries.
  2. Treat Yourself — Don’t be afraid to treat yourself. This will look different for everyone. For some, it means going to that meditation class to practice deep breathing. For others, it may mean putting on uplifting music when you’re driving around in your car. Experiment with different things that fill you up with joy. Try new things and challenge yourself to be open-minded to discovering new joys in life.

By utilizing any of these easy mood-boosting tips, you’re well on your way to embracing a brighter outlook on life. When it comes to improving our mood, there are always going to be challenges day to day. While we can’t always control our circumstances, especially when life throws us curveballs, we can control the way we react to them. After all, a heart of gratitude is an attitude of joy, no matter what the circumstances. So put on your best bright-colored outfits to spread a little sunshine wherever you go!

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